- So what did he say ?
- So she-- Then she says she'd
go half with him, you know.
First he tried to get the daughter
to go half with him.
Then he says
he'd go half with her...
and she'd go half with him,
and this is what they did.
Well, l'm gonna get some sleep.
l'm tired out. lt's a long day.
Yeah. l had one phony
college guy, you know.
What did he say to you ?
He says, ''Well,
this wouldn't be the appropriate time.''
So l said, ''Well, how about next year ?
Do you think you--''
He says, ''Well, in a couple of years
it'll be all right.''
- What did he say ?
This wouldn't be what ?
- The appropriate time.
- Well, was he gettin'
married or something ?
- No, he--
- [ lndistinct ]
- Should have told him
you're not sellin' watches.
You know what--
You know, l'll tell you--
l'll tell you what l-l,
l would have not appreciated.
See, with the way-- This was
the last call l got there, see ?
Hey, look at that mosquito.
Big son of a gun. About that big.
Just flew by your face.
Yeah, he's skeptical, see ?
So then I say,
''Well, frankly, if you never
took the encyclopedia,
you have the encyclopedia in the back
of the Bible anyway, you know.''
So he says, ''Yeah, yeah.''
He says,
''But $50 is a lot of money.''
So then-- then l went into
the demonstrators for him, you know.
Then he says, ''Forty dollars
is a lot of money,'' you know.
You got your green pants
on today, huh ?
Green necktie.
You know you're lrish.
The lrish will all
be lovin' to see you.
[ lmitating lrish Brogue ] Me father's
on the force. He gets a pension.
lt's a good job.
He's a fine workin' boy, Pat.