- Well, that's good, yeah.
- Yeah, l'll take care of that.
- So, anything new at all ?
- No. Gosh, no. Nothin'.
This is costing you
a lot of money.
- Well, lookit, honey,
take care of yourself.
- And you take care too.
- All right.
- And don't drive too fast.
- Okay, l'll keep it below 50.
- Yeah.
- Okay, honey ?
- Okay.
- All right, then. Bye now.
- Bye.
- How is she ?
- She's feeling pretty good.
You gotta below 50 from now on.
Don't tell her how fast you're going.
- No, well, l mean--
- You'll scare her.
Yeah, she doesn't want to-- l mean, she
figures you're going 70 miles an hour.
Well, you know, l wasn't--
lt's very seldom l go that fast.
But, uh...
actually, l mean,
it's a question of--
How was it,
cold back there ?
Oh, colder than the deuce--
snow, everything else.
[ lndistinct ]
- Get up.
- Ray wants to call.
Operator, did you try
my call to Boston yet ?
[ Operator ] All right. l'm sorry.
l couldn't connect your call.
[ Ray ] I'll call again. Thank you.
Come on, let's go swimmin'.
[ Paul ] I'll bet you ten dollars
you don't go in the pool.
- [Jimmy ] I'll go in.
- Well, l don't want
to take all your money.
- Do you want to go in ?
- Yeah, I'll go in.
[ Paul ] He's goin'in the water?
What, are you out of your mind?
Why not ? What do you think you're
down here, all business ?
[ Laughing, Whooping ]
Come on in, Charlie.
[ Whooping ]
Boy, that water is cold.