Maybe it's because
he doesn't have the maturity.
lt's brand-new. lt's revised.
lt teaches the children.
- Yes. Yes.
- lt's in color.
They spent a long time to revise it.
See, it's not complex.
l don't understand
very well the English.
You know, l know the basic
things, the principles.
l understand you,
but l miss many things.
Right. That's why I speak,
if you'll notice,
- Yes. Yes.
- very, very slow.
Could you see where this
would help the family ?
l mean, honestly, could you see
where this would help the children...
and Frank and yourself?
Could you-- l mean-- See, what
l'm tryin' to explain, Mrs. Pages,
could you see where this would be
of value in the home, a gain to you ?
Could you see
where this would help ?
- Could you see where
a Bible as nice as this--
- Yes. No.
l understand your point, but, uh,
really l don't think we can now--
- Maybe later. l interested later.
- Right. Right.
- But right now, no.
- No, I understand your point.
- Sure, no.
- Now, you're Spanish, right ?
- Yes.
- We do take orders.
Wait till you hear this.
- You're gonna be very enthused.
Wait till you hear this.
- But---
We do take orders,
and you're gonna be enthused.
- We take orders.
- What ?
- Orders.
- What's that ?
- We take orders on the new missal.
- Orders ?
- You know, for mass.
- Yes.
We have one, finally,
with all the changes.
- Do you understand
my point, Mrs. Pages ?
- No.
- You go to mass, right ?
- Yes.
- Sunday ?
- Yes.
- What do you bring to mass ?
A missal... right ?
- Yes.
- You know, to follow the priest.
- Yes.
We take orders on 'em,
the new one.
They're released, finally.
Uh-huh. Yes.
See, in other words,
on the missal you bring to mass.
- Yes.
- They're released,
and we take orders on them.
- You know, for mass, the missal ?
- Yes. I have one.
- Yeah, we have the new one
with all the changes.
- Yes.
- You know, all the ecumenical
changes in the mass.
- Yes. Yes.