- We do have them available, finally.
- Yes.
After about two years.
So would you like one ?
The Bull, you can draw him.
He's a big, powerful man,
and he's got a lot of stamina.
Probably hasn't got the,
the technique that Charlie has,
- [ Horn Honks ]
- but he certainly makes up
for that with the stamina.
l would love to, but l really
don't have the time now,
and l couldn't possibly
take on anything at the moment.
- l'm lucky l'm eating right now.
- You know what it is ?
We show the whole library.
But a lot of people are interested
in only the Bible.
But if it was a dollar a month,
I couldn't even take it on.
I'm awfully sorry.
- l want to thank you for your time.
- Okay. Thank you, anyway.
- Bye.
- Bye-bye.
- And this is the Catholic one ?
- [ Ray ] Yes, that's the revised Douay.
How much is
something like this ?
Well, we have different
bindings, if I could explain.
What would the least expensive be ?
Well, do you have a minute ? l could
show you through the whole library ?
- Do l have to have a whole library ?
- Not necessary.
lf you want the library, fine; if you
want just the Bible, it's wonderful.
- Yeah. Do you want to come in ?
- Please, yeah.
lt comes back to the old adage:
lt's 99 percent perspiration
and one percent inspiration.
You gotta get out there, and
you gotta push, push, push, push, push.
And once you've lost
that push, you've had it.
The Gipper is, uh... unemotional.
Straight man. He does--
His selling
is extremely effective.
Extremely effective because...
he knows how to take
advantage of everything...
in any circumstances.
ln your honest opinion, have you ever,
ever seen a more beautiful--
- No, l haven't.
- Now, isn't that really somethin' ?
- It's so complete.
- Now, incidentally,
this comes in the white or red.