you know, they're
nice, sincere people.
But what l want to ask you--
What part of the ''C'' could you put ?
- Who's the bookkeeper ?
- Could he put down as little as six ?
Yeah, at the end of the week
when he gets his paycheck.
You know what I'll do ? I'll send
one of the men from the Catholic Press.
You'll like this fellow.
Mr. Brennan. Paul R. Brennan.
- Brennan ?
- Yes. You may have read
about him in the Catholic News.
I'll send Paul by
to pick up the down payment.
As a matter of fact,
you know what l've seen him do ?
ln one day, five different times,
he's laid out ten dollars
for five different people.
Fifty dollars.
And, well, the reason for this--
not that he's fanatical,
but he's very devout.
He's a very devout Catholic,
and he feels that every Catholic
family should have this.
[ Laughing ]
Gee, l get a kick out of him.
He's a character, that Char.
Char is a wonderful guy.
He keeps the ball goin', rollin'.
What's this, 1 2 1 st l'm on ?
Yeah, 1 01 0.
l think l got it.
Do you feel like something like this in
the home would be helpful, Mrs. Gorman ?
You know, where you're at,
you seem like a pretty mature woman.
Do you feel something like this
would be actually,
you know, a more
of a family get-together ?
Well, l'm all by myself, so--
[ Chuckles ]
I placed this Bible with a woman
that had close to 1 5 Bibles.
You know what she said?
She received a lot of solace
just lookin'at the pictures.
And she was a woman
that had a Ph.D.
I had a cum laude myself.
''Come no more''from one of the colleges.
My brother was a little
different-- magna cum laude.
But mine was ''come no more. ''
When he was going to school,
he was classified as a genius,
and so l followed him in school.
And when they came to me,
everybody used to say,
''Where did you come from, Paul ?''
So, you know, l got
kind of an inferiority complex.
And 'course when l got married,
that made it worse.
[ Laughing ]
But anyway,
would you be kind enough
to write out your address ?