45 sesterces from me!
For 60 I'll buy the boy.
Sir, this boy is more than a wife.
And what free citizen
would sell his wife?
He's neat, he's wise.
I always come home to a lighted fire.
And I'm training him
in the great art of the stage.
You'll see how well
he'll play female roles...
Helen of Menelaus,
faithful Penelope, Cornelia.
Such a treasure has no price!
I'll give you what you paid for him,
and no more!
Giton is leaving with me.
No, never!
Vernacchio, your behavior
has become intolerable.
We've already punished you once
for joking about Caesar...
but you continue to stir up trouble!
Let the young man have his slave back...
or tomorrow I'll burn down your theatre.
It's not true that Vernacchio...
Watch out, Vernacchio,
we're tired of your arrogance.
Please, sir, I beg you,
don't destroy my theatre. I beg you!
Vernacchio is meek,
Vernacchio is obedient...
Caesar knows that!