Only a few emperors...
have had a mausoleum comparable
to mine.
Apenna is creating a work of art...
It will all be covered with marble...
with a pediment over 120 feet high.
On the walls, Trimalchio's entire life...
And his ships, sails unfurled...
And his favorite puppy dog.
Listen to his epitaph:
"Here lies Gaius Pompeius Trimalchio.
A pious, strong, and faithful patron
who came from nothing...
he left 30 million sesterces
and never listened to a philosopher."
And the same be for you!
Act like you're guests
at my funeral banquet.
Eat, drink, and remember me.
Call the musicians,
and have them play something pretty.
There...I'm dead.
Gaius Pompeius Trimalchio...