He left a strange will, sir.
"All those named as beneficiaries
in my will...
except the freemen, will come into
possession of all I've left behind...
on the condition that they rip
my body to pieces...
and eat me in full view of everyone.
I urge my friends not to reject
my invitation...
but to devour my body with
the same enthusiasm...
with which they sent my soul to hell."
This is impossible...
it has to be a joke.
In some cultures it's customary...
for family members to eat their dead.
In fact, the sick are often
blamed for their condition...
because it makes their flesh taste bad.
I'm not worried about
my stomach's rejection.
It will follow my orders,
if in exchange for an hour of nausea...
I'll always have plenty of riches.
There are certainly many examples...
The Segutines, besieged by Hannibal,
ate human flesh...
and expected no inheritance.
And when Scipio conquered Numanzia...
they found mothers holding the gnawed
bodies of their children in their arms.
As for me, I'm ready to comply.