Just got word from G2.
At least 50,000 Germans are still here,
on this side of the Rhine,
starting to move toward the bridge
at Remagen, but we're gonna cut 'em off.
- Who's out front now, Colonel Dent?
- 27th Armoured Infantry, sir.
- You again, eh, Barnes?
- Somebody has to be up there, sir.
All right, now, listen to me.
I want those Germans.
I want an armoured recon outfit
to make an all-out run for the river,
see what kind of resistance
we're gonna find.
That's Indian country out there.
Loose German units everywhere.
But I don't want any tippytoe tactics.
We've gotta move fast.
Sir, the men are dead on their feet.
So are the Germans, sir.
If you don't mind my saying so, sir.
- Do you think you can do it?
- I know we can, sir.
It's our only chance to grab the 1 5th Army
before it reaches the Remagen Bridge
and hightails it across the Rhine.
Be nice if that bridge'd be
in one piece when we got there.
Forget bridges. If the Germans haven't
blown them, our airforce will. Get going.
You're spearhead.
Strike for Stadt Meckenheim tonight.
If you hit trouble, holler. With luck,
we may reach the Rhine tomorrow.
Yes, sir.
We're spearhead again, Johnny.