Captain Schmidt,
Remagen Bridge Security Command.
- Major Kreuger.
- Thank God you have come.
- Headquarters said you were on the way.
- I must use your phone.
Yes, this is Major Kreuger. Get me
General von Brock at headquarters.
Yes, it's urgent.
- What's the last report on the Americans?
- Still in Stadt Meckenheim.
Good. Perhaps they'll head
towards Bonn. Thank you.
At least it'll give us a little time
to prepare our defences.
Captain Schmidt...
Oh, excuse me, Herr Major.
You must do something about the civilian
traffic. We can't get our work done.
This is Captain Baumann,
Chief Engineering Officer. Major Kreuger.
I'm glad you're here. If we don't clear
the bridge, we'll never be ready to blow it.
The most immediate problem is not
to blow the bridge up but to keep it open.
Excuse me, but is it not true the Führer
has ordered the bridge destroyed?
Does the Führer transmit
his orders directly to you,
or are you simply spreading idle gossip?
But I understood...
At this moment, Baumann, a loose tongue
is our most dangerous enemy.
Surely you know the penalty
for spreading defeatist rumours?
Please sit down, Captain Schmidt.
Baumann, you stay.
Will you brief me on the condition
of all of the units at our disposal?
The regular company,
is it fit for instant duty?
But there is no regular company.
I don't understand.