What are you doing?
This is private property.
- You are Councillor Holzgang?
- Of course.
- In charge of civil defence?
- Yes.
I am Major Kreuger,
new military commander at Remagen.
It's charming.
It is always good to meet someone
who appreciates beautiful things.
- It must be very valuable.
- Irreplaceable.
- At least 1500 Reichsmarks.
- Really? That much?
Herr Holzgang, half of your town
has been blown apart.
Remagen may be
under direct attack by nightfall.
It is your duty to gather every
able-bodied man to defend your town.
- But there's hardly anyone left.
- Find them.
The time has come, Herr Holzgang,
for you too to make a small sacrifice.
Excuse me, Herr Major.
And what is that?
My only son. Killed at Stalingrad.
What greater sacrifice can a man make?
None, except the sacrifice
made by your son.
Bring me some schnapps, and cigarettes.
Herr Holzgang, the sheets are ready.
Greta, quick, bring it.
What are you trying to do, get me shot?
That's a military commander, you fool.