- You are Frau Holzgang?
- Yes.
You have other children?
You must be very proud of your son.
Is that what I'm supposed to be?
Proud that he's dead?
I'm not proud at all.
I miss him.
Germany has lost four million sons.
I pity them, but I pity most my own son.
We must learn to live with our losses.
Even your husband.
Put this on the army circuit. I want
the command post at the bridge at once.
Sergeant Becker? This is Major Kreuger.
He's dead, Major.
This is Major Kreuger.
Ja, ja.
Herr General, the Americans
are attacking the ridge above the town.
We have no forces to hold them.
Where are the panzers?
Why elsewhere? They were promised
here. This is where they are needed.
Herr General, your regrets
will not save the bridge,