Will the two new girls
please stand up?
- You are?
- Emily Carstairs, Miss Brodie.
Emily Carstairs.
You are inscribed.
Would you like to tell us
something about yourself, Emily?
I'm a Girl Guide, Miss Brodie.
I have six merit badges.
One for knot tying.
One for flag folding.
- Indeed.
- One...
For those who like that sort of thing,
that is the sort of thing they like.
You may sit down, Emily.
And this is Mary McGregor.
Well, what about you, Mary?
You don't look to me like a girl who ties knots.
N-N-No, Miss Brodie, but my b-b-brother does.
That is as it should be.
But what about you?
What are your interests?
I haven't g-got any.
I d-d-don't think.
That is what I am for,
Mary McGregor...
to provide you
with interests.
You may sit down now, Mary.
Little girls, I am in the business
of putting old heads on young shoulders.
All my pupils are
the creme de la creme.
Give me a girl
at an impressionable age...
and she is mine for life.
You girls are my vocation.
If I were to receive
a proposal of marriage tomorrow...
from the Lord Lyon, king of arms,
I would decline it.
I am dedicated
to you in my prime.
And my summer in Italy
has convinced me...
that I am truly
in my prime.
Emily, Mary McGregor,
you are new to this institution.
It is possible you will hear my teaching
methods decried in certain quarters...
as being unsuitable for a conservative school
like Marcia Blaine.
That is to say, a school dedicated
to the status quo.