You were in difficulty,
and you made up about Flodden.
Sandy, please try to do as I say
and not as I do.
Remember, you are
a child, Sandy...
and far from your prime.
- I hear I must congratulate you
on the birth of another child.
- Yes, another daughter.
Have you never heard
of Marie Stopes...
architect for constructive birth control
and racial progress?
Ah, yes. An estimable woman. But my church
enjoins me to go forth and be fruitful.
I'm aware of your unfortunate affiliation
with the Church of Rome.
I doubt, however,
whether that body gives...
the same interpretation
to go forth that you do.
My church understands human imperfection
and forgives it. Why can't you?
I am not interested in human imperfection.
I am interested in Beauty, in Art, in Truth.
In Art and Beauty, maybe.
In truth, no.
This is outrageous!
The truth is that you bounced
into bed with an artist...
- but you were horrified
when you woke up with a man!
- R-Release me instantly!
- I finished your portrait, Jean.
- Come back to the studio. Come Sunday.
- I can't. I can't.
- Why not?
- I have another engagement!
- Well, break it!
- I can't possibly!
- I'm-I'm... I'm going to Cramond.
- What for?
Mr. Lowther has invited me
to his estate at Cramond.
- Lowther?
- He has a small boat.
I'm invited
to go sailing...
on Sunday.