"Miss Brodie's girls
are different."
- Oh, you said that?
- Oh, I said it, all right...
and I meant it.
Thank you,
Miss Lockhart.
The Brodie set, indeed.
Wee girls refusing
to wash their faces.
Oh, Miss Brodie,
they informed me...
hasn't washed her face
in 20 years.
She looks clean enough
from here.
Miss Brodie prescribes
cold cream.
She always looks
so extreme.
This is my new girl,
Mr. Lowther, Mary McGregor.
Mr. Lowther. There's a great deal
Mr. Lowther can teach you...
about the modulation
of your tones.
Miss Brodie, I thought... that is,
I hoped there might be time...
for a wee cup of tea in the common room
before the afternoon classes.
how nice of you
to ask me, Mr. Lowther.
Now, girls, I leave
Mary McGregor in your charge.
Thank you.
Well, Mary McGregor,
how much pocket money do you get?
O-O-One and six a week.
One and six?
Your father gives you one and six?
M-M-Mr. Ealing
gives it to me.
I don't have
a f-f-father or mother.
- Who's Mr. Ealing?
- At the b-b-bank. He's our guardian.
He takes care
of the m-m-money.
Well, I'd like to be an orphan heiress
and get my pocket money...
from bankers that
don't know any better.
Does your brother
get one and six too?
I d-d-don't know.
He's 14.
My b-b-brother
has run away...
from four schools.
Your brother sounds
like a bad lot.
So I thought that this Sunday...
I would treat myself
to one last day...
of sun and water.
I wonder, Mr. Lowther,
if you might be able to help me.
- In what way, Miss Brodie?
- Why, you might know if there's any possibility...