"A postcard
from romantic Italy.
"The incomparable
Giotto frescoes...
How triumphantly his figures vibrate with life.
Yours truly,J. Brodie."
A postcard from my passionate,
abandoned inamorata.
That night
at the studio...
that one night
at the studio...
I was pleased to feel it was I
who enjoyed the tutorial position.
Come back, Jean.
I need you.
Mary McGregor!
Mary McGregor, do you know
what happened to Peeping Tom?
His eyes were shriveled
into darkness in his head...
and dropped before him!
Poor old Tom.
Don't worry, Jean. You've got your girls
well trained. You're safe from that quarter.
It's me you've got
to worry about.
Come to the studio.
Come to pose again.
- Only to pose.
- You should paint one of my girls.
- Jenny is the pretty one.
- Hang your girls. It's you I want to paint.
I will not come
to the studio.
Then to hell with you!
Teddy, you know,
you really should paintJenny.
You'd likeJenny.
She has a profile...
of deceptive purity.