I do not believe I have
ever fully appreciated...
the taxing load of trivia...
with which a headmistress
must concern herself.
I must concern myself, Miss Brodie,
with this school's board of governors.
I flatter myself that I am not
unknown to the board...
having been a member
of the staff of Marcia Blaine...
six years prior
to your engagement, Miss Mackay.
I feel quite safe in saying...
that no member of the board
has ever shown anything...
but appreciation and approval
of my teaching methods.
Oh! Oh, Miss Mackay...
I use the woods of Cramond
for lessons in botany...
the rocks of the shore to investigate
the mysteries of geology.
It should be patently clear
that my expeditions to Cramond...
are expeditions for enrichment.
Enrichment for my girls...
and for Marcia Blaine.
Thank you, Miss Brodie.
I feel sure you and I have come
to understand each other better.
I'm always
at your command, Miss Mackay.
I am delighted
to hear it.
Good day, Miss Brodie.
Oh, chrysanthemums.
Such serviceable flowers.
May I have a word with you,
Miss Gaunt?
Miss Gaunt, you are, of course,
aware of the problem...
when a teacher has tenure
and the loyalty of her pupils.
It's not going to
be easy, Miss Gaunt.
However, no doubt,
in due time...
some advantage will
be vouchsafed us.
In the meanwhile, I would deem it
a sincere service to the school...