If they want to get rid of me,
they'll have to...
Assassinate me!
Now, eat up, Mr. Lowther.
Cooperation is the keynote. Now, Jenny,
do us a cartwheel for comic relief.
- Oh! Wonderful!
- Bravo. Bravo! Bravo!
Bravo! Oh.
- Oh.
- These are my girls, Mr. Lowther.
Forsooth, they are Brodie girls.
Monica is histrionic.
She will perform
in plays...
or perhaps write them.
our Mary is alone
in this world.
Her needs are great,
but she has me.
Mary will stop stuttering.
She will brisk up.
Mary McGregor will
distinguish herself for me.
I have no doubt.
Then there is Jenny.
Sometimes I feel there is
a spiritual bond...
between Jenny and me.
I don't expectJenny feels this yet,
but someday she will.
And Sandy...
Sandy is...
- Sandy is dependable.
- Oh, Sandy.
Sandy is very dependable.
Now, Monica,
recite for us, please.
What shall I recite,
Miss Brodie?
Something of magic.
"There she weaves
by night and day...
"a magic web
with colors gay.
"She has heard
a whisper say...
"a curse is on her
if she stay...
"to look down
on Camelot.
She knows not what
the curse may be..."
Mr. Lowther,
the Philistines are upon us.
"She knows not what
the curse may be...