- I've got to meet my mother.
- Oh, your eternal mother!
- Good-bye, girls.
- Bye, Mr. Lloyd.
- My feet are wet.
- Take your shoes off then, silly.
Dry them
by the stove.
I'll make some tea.
- Aren't there any more biscuits?
- No, that's the lot.
I'm not up to
Cramond standards, I fear.
Lasagna verde,
"harlot" russe.
A wonder all that rich food
doesn't give old Lowther a stoppage.
He eats his greens.
Do you paint portraits
of your own children too?
Is that your wife?
That's my wife.
Her name is Deirdre.
Is she in her prime?
not quite yet.
One day, I'd like to paint
all you Brodie girls.
It'd be interesting to see what sort
of group I can make of you.
We'd all look like
one great big Brodie I suppose.
You're a clever little cat,
aren't you?
That will teach you to look at an artist like that.