But we won't discuss it
with the others.
So Monday, after school,
you'll come to my flat for tea.
We'll have a nice,
quiet time together.
Yes, Miss Brodie.
Well, come now. I'm sure
Mr. Lowther will take you home.
In you get, Sandy.
Can you manage, dear?
- Yes, thank you.
- Thank you, Gordon.
- You're very kind.
- Oh, you're more than welcome.
It's a painting
of Mr. Lloyd's family.
It starts with himself
and his wife...
and then all the children graded downwards
to the baby and the dog on the floor.
It's supposed to be funny...
but the funniest part is,
they all look like you.
Like me?
Yes. Even the baby.
Everybody he paints
looks like you.
You shall butter the scones,
Sandy, dear.
Be generous.
Uh, does the portrait
ofJenny look like me?
Oh, yes.
Mr. Lloyd might want
to paint me too.
I doubt if having your portrait painted
is going to be your career.
Would you mind shutting the window, dear?
There's a wee bit of a draft.
What do you think
it will be, Miss Brodie?
Uh, what do I think
what will be?
My career.
Well, you're quite
intelligent, of course.
Actually, Sandy, you have
something more than mere intelligence.
You have insight.
There goes Miss Lockhart.
The chemistry teacher?
Yes. She's got
her golf clubs.
Monica saw Mr. Lowther
playing golf with Miss Lockhart...