even that of immorality,
and failed.
Now you are accusing me
of preaching politics to my pupils.
Such a continuous
personal vendetta...
is hardly conducive
to the dignity of your position.
Miss Brodie, I don't think
you quite understand.
Let me make the situation
perfectly clear.
It is not I,
but the board of governors...
who have pursued this investigation
to its conclusion.
And it is
the board of governors who...
after having given due consideration
to the grave charges laid against you...
have given instructions that you leave
this school immediately...
and that your classes be taken over
tomorrow morning by another teacher.
The board have asked me
to convey to you the fact that...
your salary will be paid in full
until the end of the term...
which, in the circumstances,
is more than generous.
Miss Brodie,
there is nothing more to be said.
I shall not accept
the board's action.
I shall petition. I shall put
the question before the public...
before the parents
and the student body.
You will find, Miss Mackay,
that I have the loyalty of my girls.
Do you, Miss Brodie?
For they are
jolly good fellows
For they are
jolly good fellows
For they are
jolly good fellows
Which nobody can deny
Come, now, Lowther, give us a song.!
Why, Miss Brodie,
aren't you coming to the common room?
- Common room?
- The celebration honoring
Miss Lockhart and Mr. Lowther.
My love is like
a red, red rose
Aren't you coming,
Miss Brodie?
I'll be there shortly.
In June
Oh, my love
is like a melody