Ladies and gentemen...
... now have the honor to present...
...the ovey and taented star
of our show...
...riding Wonder Horse Omar...
...Miss T.J. Breckenridge.
-We, ' be.
-Hey, Tuck. Tuck Kirby.
Hi, there.
Now, what in the name of Sam Hi
brings you around here?
Up to no good, that's for sure.
You don't seem gad to see me, Champ.
About as gad as a dying mue
to see a vuture.
'm no vuture.
Bird on the wing, maybe.
Yeah, fying to the next quick buck.
We, it ooks ike you finay made it.
- make out a right.
-A you care about is yoursef...
...no matter who gets hurt.
sti care what happens to T.J.
Yeah, aways did.
Fussing around her ike a mother hen.
Her daddy was a friend. Somebody's
gotta protect her from guys ike you.
-Running out on her ike you did.
-You weren't sorry to see me go.
Nope, but it darn near broke T.J.'s heart.
Yeah. From what hear,
you're not doing so good by her either.
Not enough customers
to pay the bi.
We don't need any big shot coming
around here teing us how to run this show.
-Now, why don't you just go back--
-Wait a minute.