We, he's pretty near the mark.
...'m a paeontoogist.
-We dig deeper.
-My father used to say...
...it is not good to dig up the past.
Let seeping dogs ie, eh?
We're not gonna get very far
that way, are we?
-That depends on where you want to get to.
-The bottom of things, of course.
What Darwin did with
his theory of evoution...
... intend to do with
my theory of humanoids.
-t means, ''man-ike.''
t's beieved amongst paeontoogists
that man first evoved a miion years ago.
intend to prove it was
many eons before that.
f you'd ike to ook in that trunk,
you' find a piece of rock. Wi you get it?
That's it.
Now ook at the fossi.
The impression eft in the rock.
-That ooks ike some sort of footprint.
-Precisey, it's an Eohippus.
The so-caed dawn horse.
The ancestor of our present-day horses.
never saw a horse sma enough
to eave a print ike that.
Did you notice it had three toes?
Over the period of evoution,
horses have grown arger.
And that center toe has become
the hoof as we know it.
What is more incredibe
is the fossi beside it.
am convinced that
is the tibia of some humanoid...
...that existed at the same time
as the Eohippus.
Possiby more than 50 miion years ago.
-You found this thing around here?
-n the foothis.
This is my whoe ife, Mr. Kirby,
but need time and money.
My resources,
both financia and physica...
...are running precariousy ow.
We, professor, what you
need is a good rest.