Look here.
Tuck's got company.
We're headed in the right direction.
He's working with the professor.
They were speaking of scientific interest.
Scientific interest, my eye!
Tuck wants E Diabo for Buffao Bi.
-You shoud have istened to me, T.J.
-He's right, T.J.
That Tuck is the owest.
A right, a right!
He was right. was wrong.
-But if we stand here we' never catch him.
- know where they're heading.
-There's a shortcut.
-To where?
Forbidden Vaey.
Now, professor,
where's that itte horse?
- don't know.
-You don't know?
Sir Horace, when your king finds out
you're a ow-down horse thief...
...he' give you a touch of the sword,
a right. Yeah, just about there.
You're gonna te me where E Diabo is.
You can make it easy or hard.
That's up to you.