We a got to stick together
unti we get out of this.
n a my traves never saw
nothing ike that 2-ton izard.
f we coud just get him back aive.
Yeah, the ony thing want
to get back aive is me.
That does it.
What are you doing out of the cave?
You wanna get yoursef kied?
Not anymore.
-What's that for?
-We, it's a trap.
n case one of those itte izards
decides to mosey up this way.
A hoe in the ground
coud swaow me up too.
You can't te a friend from an enemy,
cockeyed femae.
Don't they seep nights?
Come on! Come on!
-t's gone.
-Yeah, temporariy.
Tuck, 've decided.
'm going to se out.
We, that's great,
if we ever get back to Omar.
Not just Omar. The whoe show,
ock, stock and barre.
That's what you wanted, isn't it?
-We, sure, sure.
-Oh, sound happier.
We, don't know, T.J.
've been on my own so ong.
've been on my own too.
We, know, know, but not ike me.
mean, reay on my own.
've had to con and pitch,
huste my way into whatever am now.
don't even know where that is.
Tuck, don't care.
Don't you understand?
A right.
A right, T.J.
' te you. 've been ooking
for something...
-...a my ife.
t took a ot of finding,
but finay found it.