The Wild Bunch

This was going to be my last.
Ain't getting around any better.
I'd like to make one good score
and back off.

Back off to what?
Have you got anything lined up?
Pershing's got troops spread out
all along the border.

Every one of those garrisons
will get a payroll.

That kind of information is kind of hard
to come by.

I didn't say it's going to be easy,
but it can be done.

He'll be waiting for us.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
Come on Pike, let's go.
You sound like you're all caught up.
Enough to know we've overstayed
our welcome.

What's wrong with you?
We've got plenty of money to spend,
and no worries.

They're not going to look for us
in their own backyard.

How can you be so damn sure?
