The Wild Bunch

Did you bring the guns?
Don't worry, we've got them.
When I get my share of the gold,
$2,500 dollars' worth...

...I'll tell you where four cases are.
The others are waiting for me
at the wagon.

If I don't show up pretty quick,
they'll blow it.

You fix it goddamn good, no?
You fooled me.

Our accountant will pay you immediately.
When do we get our guns?
The quicker I get back,
the quicker you get the next load.

Open it up.
Up the arroyo, about 2 miles...
:23:21'll find 3 cases of rifles...
...and 1 case of ammunition
hidden in the bush behind them.

I understand you have a machine gun.
Our contact called for 16 cases of rifles...
...and ammunition for $10,000.
Not a machine gun.
That's our present to the General.
Gringo, you fight with Mapache...
There's a lot of money and pretty girls.
