Her own mama turned him in
like some kind of Judas.
Sykes says we should go after him.
How will we do that?
They got guns and 200 men.
No way.
No way at all.
ls that Sykes?
I got him.
They got Freddy.
He looks hit pretty bad.
Damn that Deke Thornton to hell!
What would you do? He gave his word.
Gave his word to a railroad.
It's his word!
That ain't what counts!
It's who you give it to!
We can stay up here
and kick hell out of them!
No, we're running out of water.
Make a run for the border?
They'd follow us every step of the way.
I know Thornton.
I'm tired of being hunted.
Let's go to Agua Verde.
Let the General take care of those boys.
You're crazy.
He would just as soon kill us
as break wind.
He's so tickled with those guns, he'll be
celebrating and happy to do us a favor.