You should be taking the train, Frank.
Fort Smith is too long a ride.
On Judy, 70 miles
will be a pleasant outing.
Yarnell, you'll take care
of the place for me.
You and my Mattie.
Where's Mattie?
I'm here, Papa!
Well, Little Bookkeeper,
got my wherewithal ready?
- Of course.
- How much are you allowing me?
There's... right around...
...$150 cash money there.
Better hand me
my good luck gold pieces, too.
Buying Texas mustang ponies,
you'll need plenty of luck!
You'll come around to my plan.
I intend to buy as many as I can swing.
- We'll breed them for deer-hunting.
- They're small and chicken-brained!
I'd say small and tough,
right for keeping up with dogs.
- You want my advice, Papa?
- I always do.
- Buy the ponies cheap.
- I expect to.
This Colonel Stonehill has got
to get rid of them before winter.
Papa, that gun's old-fashioned.
Buy a new one at Fort Smith.
It served me well at Chickamauga,
and it's got a long way to go yet.
Goodbye, Papa!
Tom Chaney...
Now there's trash for you.
It's his job to look after the place.
Papa took him in when he was starving
and gave him a house.
Come, Mattie, it's only an old tool-shed.
You can still throw a cat
through the south wall!