You're dismissed, Mr Cogburn.
Call the next witness!
Cecil Falling Leaf, take the stand!
Raise your right hand...
- Mr Rooster Cogburn?
- What is it?
I'd like to talk with you a minute.
They say you're a man with true grit.
What do you want? Speak up!
You've already wrinkled the paper...
It's pretty loose
because your makings are too dry.
I'm looking for Tom Chaney.
Well, who's he?
He shot and killed my father,
Frank Ross.
He's in the Indian Territory.
I need somebody to go after him.
- Who are you?
- Mattie Ross.
My family has 480 acres
of good bottomland in Yell County.
Mother's home looking after
my baby sister and brother.
Why don't you go home
and leave me alone?
They'll need help with the churning!
Mr Cogburn!
You can get a fugitive warrant
for Chaney and $2 for bringing him in,
plus 10 cents a mile for each of you,
and I'll give you $50 reward!
You've looked into this right smart.
Yes, I mean business.
What have you got in your poke?
By God, girl, that's a Colt's Dragoon!
You're no bigger than a corn nubbin.
What are you doing with this pistol?
My father carried it bravely in the war.
I intend to kill Tom Chaney with it
if the law fails.
This'll sure get the job done,
if you can find a fence post to rest it on