Women in Love

-Where's B!rk!n?
-W!th the groom. He's late.

Whoa, there. Steady.
Hello, Gerald.

-What a charm!ng dress!
-Thank you.

Good morn!ng, Chr!st!ana.
lt's such bad form for the groom to be late.
Gerald'll be fur!ous.

Don't worry about that. Someth!ng
unconvent!onal w!ll do that fam!ly good.

Laura won't run away.
lf you're late, you're late.

Hello, Laura.
What a spectacle!
Does !t hurt your sense of fam!ly pr!de?
Yes, !t does. Do someth!ng properly,
or don't bother at all.

lt's a masterp!ece of good form.
lt's the hardest th!ng to act spontaneously
on one's !mpulses.

lt's the only gentlemanly th!ng to do,
prov!ded you're f!t enough.

You expect me to take you ser!ously?
Yes, you're one of the few people
l do expect that of.

-Hello, Herm!one.
-What made you late?

The groom talked about
the !mmortal!ty of the soul...

and he hadn't got a buttonhook.
The !mmortal!ty of the soul?
More appropr!ate for an execut!on,
l should have thought, than for a wedd!ng.

Perhaps !t would be n!ce
!f a man came along.

l mean,
l wouldn't go out of my way to look for h!m.

But !f there should happen along
a h!ghly attract!ve !nd!v!dual...

w!th suff!c!ent means....
