Don't you f!nd yourself
gett!ng bored w!th everyth!ng?
Everyth!ng fa!ls to mater!al!ze.
Noth!ng mater!al!zes.
Everyth!ng w!thers !n the bud. Everyth!ng.
Do you hope to get anywhere
by just marry!ng?
Well, !t seems the !nev!table next step.
But you see...
it's just impossible.
The man makes it impossible.
Now, sometimes,
catkins are called lamb's tails.
Don't you th!nk they look rather l!ke them?
So lovely and t!ny...
and soft?
Sorry. D!d l startle you?
l thought you'd heard me come !n.
You're do!ng catk!ns.
Are they as far out as th!s already?
l hadn't not!ced them th!s year.
Emphasize the facts, not the impression.
And what's the fact?
Red, l!ttle, sp!ky st!gmas
of the female flower...
dangl!ng, yellow male catk!n...
yellow pollen fly!ng from one to the other.
Make a pictorial record of the fact...
as you do when you're drawing a face.
Two eyes, a nose, mouth w!th teeth.
l've been wa!t!ng for you for so long.
l thought l'd come and see...
what a school !nspector does
when he's on duty.
How do you do, M!ss Brangwen?
Do you m!nd my com!ng !n?