He takes them by the scruff of the neck,
and fa!rly fl!ngs them along.
He'll have to d!e soon, when he's
made all the poss!ble !mprovements...
and there's noth!ng more to !mprove.
-He's got go anyhow.
-Certa!nly he's got go.
The unfortunate th!ng !s,
where does h!s go go to?
All th!s str!fe and d!ssens!on.
lf we could only real!ze that...
!n the sp!r!t, we are all one,
all equal !n the sp!r!t.
All brothers there.
The rest wouldn't matter.
There'd be no more of th!s carp!ng, envy...
all th!s struggle for power, wh!ch destroys...
only destroys.
lt's just the oppos!te, Herm!one,
just the contrary.
The m!nute you beg!n to compare,
one man becomes far better than another.
All the !nequal!ty !n the world
that you can !mag!ne !s there by nature.
l want every man to have h!s fa!r share
of the world's goods...
so l can be r!d of h!s !mportun!ty,
so that l can say to h!m:
''Now you've got what you want,
your fa!r share of the world's gear.
''Now, you m!nd yourself,
and don't obstruct me.''
lt sounds l!ke megaloman!a, Rupert.
l must go and dress for lunch.
Don't be late, Rupert.
So th!s !s Herm!one's country cottage.