Women in Love

l see the perpetual struggle has begun.
We all struggle so, don't we?
The proper way to eat a f!g !n soc!ety...
!s to spl!t !t !n four...
hold!ng !t by the stump...
and open !t...
so that !t !s a gl!tter!ng, rosy, mo!st...
honeyed, heavy-petaled, four-petaled flower.
Then you throw away the sk!n...
after you have taken off the blossom
w!th your l!ps.

But the vulgar way...
!s just to put your mouth to the crack...
and take out the flesh !n one b!te.
The f!g !s a very secret!ve fru!t.
The ltal!ans vulgarly say
!t stands for the female part, the f!g fru!t.

The f!ssure, the yon!...
the wonderful mo!st conduct!v!ty
towards the center...

!nvolved, !nturned....
One small way of access only,
and th!s close-curta!ned from the l!ght.

Sap that smells strange on your f!ngers,
so that even goats won't taste !t.

And when the f!g has kept her secret
long enough...

so !t explodes, and you see,
through the f!ssure, the scarlet.

And the f!g !s f!n!shed, the year !s over.
That's how the f!g d!es...
show!ng her cr!mson
through the purple sl!t.

L!ke a wound...
the exposure of her secret on the open day.
L!ke a prost!tute,
the bursten f!g makes a show of her secret.
