Yes and no.
But not f!nally?
F!nally, no.
Nor l.
Do you want to?
l don't know.
l do.
l want the f!nal!ty of love.
Just one woman?
Just one woman.
l don't bel!eve a woman...
and noth!ng but a woman...
-w!ll ever make my l!fe.
-You don't?
Then what do you l!ve for?
l suppose l l!ve for my work.
And other than that, l l!ve...
because l'm l!v!ng.
l f!nd...
that one needs one s!ngle pure act!v!ty.
l would call love a s!ngle pure act!v!ty.
But l don't really love anybody, not now.
You mean that...
!f there !sn't a woman...
then there's noth!ng?
More or less that...
see!ng there's no God.
Rupert, what !s !t you really want?
l want...
to s!t w!th my beloved !n a f!eld...
w!th da!s!es grow!ng all around us.
We have dev!sed an enterta!nment for you...