!n the style of the Russ!an ballet.
Who are those Brangwen g!rls?
Teachers !n the grammar school.
Gudrun pretends she's an art!st as well.
-What's the!r father?
-Hand!crafts !nstructor !n the same school.
Class barr!ers are break!ng down.
That the!r father teaches handcraft
!n school doesn't matter to me.
l shall be Orpah...
a v!v!d, sensat!onal w!dow.
l am only just a w!dow...
and l slowly dance
the death of my husband...
before return!ng to my former l!fe.
And Gudrun w!ll be the beaut!ful Ruth.
Her husband, too, has just now d!ed.
She weeps w!th me, and laments.
And Ursula...
w!ll be the mother-!n-law, Naom!.
Our husbands were her sons.
Her own husband d!ed years ago.
Thus, all her men are dead.
She stands alone, demand!ng noth!ng.
And the contessa w!ll be the wheat f!elds...
r!ppl!ng !n the even!ng a!r.
B!rk!n w!ll turn the pages for the maestro.