Because then !t's no longer !n your power.
You must clutch th!ngs
and have them !n your power.
And why?
Because you haven't got any real body...
any dark, sensual body of l!fe!
All you've got !s your w!ll
and your lust for power!
How can you...
not th!nk me sensual?
All you want !s pornography.
Look!ng at yourself !n m!rrors...
watch!ng your naked
an!mal act!ons !n m!rrors.
Keep!ng !t all !n your consc!ousness,
mak!ng !t all mental.
lf one cracked your skull...
maybe one could get a spontaneous,
pass!onate woman out of you...
w!th real sensual!ty.
No, you don't, Herm!one. l don't let you.