Women in Love

You don't seem to see
much love !n human!ty.

What about !nd!v!dual love?
l don't bel!eve !n love
any more than l bel!eve !n hate or gr!ef.

Love !s an emot!on. You feel or don't feel,
accord!ng to your c!rcumstances.

lf you don't bel!eve !n love,
what do you bel!eve !n?

Just !n the end of the world and rabb!ts?
The po!nt about L-O-V-E !s that we hate
the word, because we've vulgar!zed !t.

lt should be taboo,
forb!dden from utterance for many years...

t!ll we've found a new and better !dea.
Well, l shall just have to leave !t to you...
to send your new and better !dea
down from the holy altar.

When you th!nk the world !s ready,
of course.

Come on. Go on, you cow.
Come on, you b!tch!
Gerald, stop!
What are you do!ng?
Don't let her go!
He's fall!ng!
Gudrun do someth!ng! lt's so cruel.
Gudrun, do someth!ng!
Whore! Demon!
l should th!nk you're proud!
