Women in Love

Not the sort of work l want.
They hate you.
l'm glad l won't have to see !t much longer.

The!r hate !s better than your love.
You made a fortune explo!t!ng them.
And now you try to ease your gu!lt
by sl!pp!ng them a few co!ns.

At least l g!ve them a fa!r salary...
!f they can do the work.
There'll be few of them left to pay soon...
w!th you and your new mach!nes.
Yes, me and my new mach!nes.
They say you've stopped the w!dows' coals.
We've always allowed the w!dows
of men who worked for the f!rm...

a load of coal every three months.
They'll have to pay cost pr!ce from now on.
The f!rm's not the char!table
!nst!tut!on you th!nk !t !s.

Take us home.
-M!nd your way, Thomas.
-Thank you, s!r.

What pr!ce, that! She'll do, won't she?
l'd g!ve my week's wages
for just f!ve m!nutes w!th her.

Your m!ssus would have
someth!ng to say to you.

Hey, you're f!rst-class!
You th!nk she's worth a week's wages?
Do l? l'd bloody well put them down
th!s second.

Hello, love.
What about th!s match
you were talk!ng about?
