l th!nk we've all gone mad!
P!ty we aren't madder!
Oh, you beautiful doll
You great big beautiful doll
Let me put my arms around you
Why have you come?
And why do you want to dr!ve them mad?
They're nasty when they turn.
Turn where?
Turn aga!nst you.
Turn aga!nst me?
They gored one of the farmer's cows
to death the other day.
What do l care?
l care, see!ng they're my cattle.
How are they yours?
You haven't swallowed them.
G!ve me one of them. Now!
You know where they are?
You th!nk l'm fr!ghtened of you
and your cattle, don't you?
Why should l th!nk that?
That's why.
You struck the f!rst blow.
And l shall str!ke the last!
Why are you behav!ng
!n th!s !mposs!ble and r!d!culous fash!on?
make me behave l!ke th!s.
Don't be angry w!th me.
No, l'm not angry w!th you.
l am !n love w!th you.