lt makes one sane.
-Do you th!nk so?
-Yes, l do. Do you?
We are mentally and sp!r!tually close.
Therefore, we should be
phys!cally close, too.
lt's more complete.
You know how the old German kn!ghts
used to swear blood-brotherhood?
make wounds !n the!r arms...
and run blood !nto each other's cuts.
And swear to be true to each other,
of one blood all the!r l!ves.
That's what we ought to do.
No wounds, l mean that's obsolete.
But we ought to swear
to love each other, you and l.
lmpl!c!tly. Perfectly...
f!nally, w!thout any poss!b!l!ty
of ever go!ng back on !t.
Shall we swear to each other one day?
We'll wa!t t!ll l understand !t better.
Well, at any rate...
one feels freer and more open now.
And that's what we want.
ln a way, that's what l want w!th Ursula.
S!ngle, clear, yet balanced.