There !sn't only one road.
l don't care how !t !s w!th me...
as long as l feel...
that l've l!ved.
l don't care how !t !s, as long as l feel that.
Yes. l suppose !t could be ''fulf!lled.''
l don't use the same words as you.
Well, !t's the same.
Would you l!ke a bath?
Come on, then!
Get them! Go for them!
Dr!ve them away!
Ranger! Heel, boy. Come here, boy.
Down, Ranger! Here, boy!
-You all r!ght?
Who the hell let these dogs !n the dr!ve?
Take them back.
Here, come along, heel.
Take them back to the kennel.
Have you taken leave
of your senses, Chr!st!ana?
How many t!mes must l tell you?
No one !s ever turned away from my door.
Yes, l know. ''Love thy ne!ghbor.''
And you love your ne!ghbor
more than your own fam!ly.
Why don't you turn me and the ch!ldren
out, and keep open house for them?
lf !t wasn't for them,
you wouldn't have th!s house.
lf they're !n trouble,
!t's my duty to help them.
You th!nk !t's your duty
to !nv!te all the rats !n the world...