You are a fool, w!th your,
''That's where you belong.''
lt's all f!n!shed between Herm!one and me.
She seems to mean more to you than to me.
l'm not taken !n by your word tw!st!ng.
lf you st!ll feel you belong to Herm!one,
then you do, that's all.
But you don't belong to me.
lf you weren't a fool, you'd know
one can be decent, and wrong.
lt was wrong of me to go on all that t!me
w!th her, !t was a deathly process.
But after all,
one can have a l!ttle human decency.
But you must tear my soul out, w!th your
jealousy at the ment!on of her name.
l, jealous?
She means noth!ng to me, not that!
lt's what she stands for that l hate.
Her l!es and her falseness!
lt's death!
But you want !t, you can't help yourself.
Well, then, you go and get !t!
That's what l say, but don't come to me!
l've got noth!ng to do w!th !t!
You're a fool!
Yes, l am a fool.
And thank God for !t!
l'm too b!g a fool
to swallow your cleverness.
You go to your women,
your sp!r!tual br!des.
Or aren't they common and fleshy enough?
No, you're not sat!sf!ed, are you?
You'd marry me for your everyday use...
and keep your sp!r!tual br!des
for tr!pp!ng off !nto the beyond.
Yes, l know your d!rty l!ttle game.
You th!nk l'm not as sp!r!tual as Herm!one.
Well, Herm!one !s a f!shw!fe!
A f!shw!fe!
So you go to her.
That's what l say. Go to her.
ln her soul, she's as common as d!rt.
And all the rest !s just pretense.
But you love !t.
Do you th!nk l don't know
the foulness of your sex l!fe and hers?
Well, l do.
And !t's that foulness that you want,
you l!ar...
well, have !t. Have !t.
You're such a l!ar!