''And the th!rd Angel poured out h!s v!als
on the r!ver and the founta!ns of water....''
After Laura's death...
Father's world collapsed.
We haven't had
much illness in the house either.
Not until Father.
It's something you don't reckon with
until it's there.
And then you realize
it was there all the time.
It was always there.
The possibility of this...
!ncurable !llness...
th!s creep!ng death....
There's noth!ng left.
Do you understand what l mean?
You seem to be...
reach!ng at the vo!d...
then you real!ze that you're a vo!d yourself.
You can't go on hold!ng up the roof forever.
You know that sooner or later...
you've got to let go,
so you don't know what to do.
You must. lf l can help you....
l don't want your help...
because there's noth!ng to be done.
l just want to talk to somebody...
Mother, how n!ce of you to come down.
How are you?
You know M!ss Brangwen,
of course, don't you?
W!n!fred tells me the doctor
had someth!ng to say about your father.
What !s !t?
lt's just that h!s pulse !s very weak...