moment of my l!fe.
See you down there.
Hey, Prune, !sn't !t !nterest!ng?
Herr Loerke !s do!ng a great fr!eze
for a factory !n Cologne.
Or !s !t for the outs!de?
The outs!de, the street.
So you are an art!st. l knew !t.
You know, l th!nk that the mach!nery...
the acts of labor, are beaut!ful...
extremely beaut!ful.
The factory of today must be the Parthenon.
Do you bel!eve art should serve !ndustry?
Art should !nterpret !ndustry, ich glaube...
as art once !nterpreted rel!g!on.
Gudrun !s an art!st as well, you know?
What do you do?
l'm a sculptress.
And what do you sculpt?
An!mals, b!rds.
Kn!ckknacks for the r!ch?
You're not an art!st.
You've never worked as the world works.
Yes, l have and l do.
Have you known what !t was
to l!e !n bed for three days...
because you had noth!ng to eat...
!n a room w!th three other fam!l!es
and a to!let !n the m!ddle...