No, not at all.
How much do you love me?
How much do you th!nk l love you?
l don't know.
But what's your op!n!on?
Very l!ttle !ndeed.
Why don't l love you?
Well, l don't know why you don't.
l've been good to you.
When you f!rst came to me
!n that fearful state...
l had take p!ty on you, but !t was never love.
Why do you keep repeat!ng !t...
that there was never any love?
Well, you don't th!nk you love, do you?
You don't th!nk you can love me, do you?
l don't know what you mean
by the word ''love.''
Oh, yes, you do.
You know very well
that you have never loved me.
Or have you, do you th!nk?
And you never w!ll love me, w!ll you?
Why do you torture me?
l don't want to torture you.
Just say you love me.
Say you'll love me forever, won't you?
Won't you say !t?
Won't you say you'll love me always...
even !f you don't mean !t?
But say !t, Gerald, do.
l w!ll love you always.
Fancy your actually hav!ng sa!d !t.
Try to love me a l!ttle more
and want me a l!ttle less.
You mean, you don't want me?
You're so !ns!stent.
You have so l!ttle grace...
so l!ttle f!nesse.