How many is that?
SiX, Your Lordship.
l'm sorry.
You may address me as ''John.''
Yes, sir.
lt won't happen again.
You slip at least
once a day.
How many weeks have l been
dinning it into you.
Yes, Sir John.
SiX, did you say?
ln a row.
That's good shootin', John.
Thank you, Maddock.
You may address me as ''Joe.''
What did you say that was?
Prairie chicken.
At home in England,
l'd be shooting grouse.
lt just occurred to me,
l've traveled halfway
around the world
at great eXpense
simply to kill
a different kind of bird.
Well, what's wrong with that
if you ain't got
nothing better to do?
Oh, l ain't, Joe.
For five years, l ain't got
nothin' better to do.
You musta picked up a lot
of beans
Not only beans, Joe