What were you two firing at?
Nothin' in particular.
That was an accident.
Even at this range,
l'm inclined to believe you.
How long would it take us
to go back to St. Louis?
Maybe a month if,
if we don't do no more huntin'
and that wagon holds up.
We'll start in the morning.
lf the wagon breaks down,
abandon it and the team.
We'll travel by riding horses
if necessary.
ls them orders, John?
Those are orders, Maddock.
Well, you've boozed us
out of another job.
We ain't shuttin' down camp.
He guaranteed us
four months wages.
You'll get your money.
That's one thing
the dude ain't is-- cheap.
Yeah, and if he runs
a little short,
his family can always
sell the ''cawstle'.
Oh, l never seen such a fella.
He won't even chew tobacco.
That water's powerful cold,
Your Lordship.
Thank you, Maddock.
l can assure you l've been bred
to get used to it.
This ain't gonna be no bath.
He's goin' ice-skating.
Listen, you rum-heads,
that's enough.
We was just warnin' him.