l'll go out there.
[Telephone rings]
Mel, Tanya.
How about some coffee?
-l just found something.
-l just lost something.
Runway two-niner.
Oh, no. Snow?
One of your jockeys missed
a turnoff, buried the wheel.
No one told us.
lt just happened.
l'm on my way.
Any casualties?
Just me.
There's bound to be
a $50 wrenched back.
l'd better bring
some release forms...
and plenty of sympathy
and understanding.
-May l ride with you?
-See you downstairs.
[Telephone rings]
P.A.: Mr. Bakersfeld,
white phone. Urgent.
Where the hell are you?
We've got an emergency
on the field.
You said you'd be home at 6:00.
You promised me a week ago
you wouldn't miss this dinner.
l didn't know we'd have
the worst storm in six years.
You've always got
some damn excuse.
l'll call you back.