My idea will make you
aviation man of the year,
and Captain Benson
agrees with me.
Put pneumatic jacks under
the jacking plates and lift her.
Then you fill in, plank over,
and roll her off on the flat.
lf every jack isn't absolutely
level, she'll slide off,
and you'll have a hole.
l'll stick with
Patroni's judgment.
Do it the hard way,
but you better move this.
l'm not taking off on 22.
You'll use what's available.
lf it's 22, l'm not cutting back
on power over those houses.
Unless you want a bill...
for cracked plaster
and broken dishes,
you'd better move this.
Keep digging.
Another pilot gets an idea,
hand him a shovel.
[Knock on door]
[Door opens]
Yes, Peter?
Uh, Mrs. Livingston,
l've got that stowaway...
that Mr. Miller told you about.
Bring him in.
Hello. l'm Mrs. Ada Quonsett.
l'm Mrs. Livingston.
Pleased to--
l mean, won't you--
Sit down.
Thank you. lt was a long walk
from that gate.
We've got some talking to do.
Lock that door.
You've done
this sort of thing before.
Yes, my dear.
lt's illegal.
Why do you do it?
l'm a widow and have
a married daughter in New York.
Sometimes l get lonely for her
and the grandchildren,
so l go to Los Angeles and get
on a plane going to New York.
When l'm ready to go home,
it's, well, vice versa.
Without a ticket?
l couldn't possibly afford
a ticket.
l just have
my social security...
and the small pension
my late husband left me.
Have you stowed away
on other airlines?
Oh, yes, but l like
Trans Global the best.